Share My Ride: A Steamy Old & Young Three-Way Romance in Sexy, Risqué South Beach

Billionaire romance with threesome sex

Romance Novels & Short Stories

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A Steamy Old & Young Three-Way Romance in Sexy, Risqué South Beach

In sensual South Beach, a middle-aged billionaire longs for a connection he can’t find in heartless boardrooms. Could a lustful threesome be the cure he needed?

A young woman works as an Uber driver and uses her looks to tease her male passengers, get bigger tips, and pay her grandmother’s rent. It’s risky.

“I’m known for writing erotica. This is my first attempt at romance. I hope you like it! Hugs!” ~Delisha


“Sasha called out, her voice a siren song blending with the rhythm of the ocean, inviting Vanessa and Alex to join her in this liquid playground where inhibitions sank beneath the weight of salty kisses and sun-warmed skin.”

“It disgusted her, but it was part of the job, and she needed the money more than she needed her dignity.”

Billionaire romance with threesome sex

More Teasers:

“Alex’s penthouse loomed behind them, a monolith to his success, but here on the sands, they were simply flesh and impulse, drawn to the primal caress of the ocean waves. They reached the water’s edge, where the gentle lapping of the sea seemed to beckon them closer.”

“The Meat Market, a seedy strip club that reeked of sweat and mold, was filled with men who treated the dancers like their personal playthings. Despite the laws and policies prohibiting it, these men touched the girls with impunity – and they were all too aware that this was how the young women earned their tips.”

“Surrounded by the ocean’s embrace, Sasha dove in and then emerged from beneath the surface, a vision of aquatic allure. Water cascaded down her lithe form, rivulets tracing the contours of her body like lovers’ fingers skimming over skin. It clung to her, the sea reluctant to release her from its possessive grasp.”

And a few more teasers…

“The club was filthy and reeked of stale beer and sweat, yet Sasha moved through it like a ghost, her near-naked form drawing the predatory gaze of every man present. They watched her with a mix of lust and greed, their eyes raking over her exposed flesh as though trying to claim her as their own.”

“The waves whispered secrets around her ankles, urging her to join the dance of water and laughter.”

“The billionaire hesitated, acutely aware of the voyeuristic tableau they presented, each movement heavy with eroticism. The women before him were art in motion, breathing paradigms of desire that could upend empires or melt hearts of stone.”

“It was a test of restraint, a measure of the man’s character, and she watched keenly, seeking any sign of faltering.”

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…to stay in touch with little ol’ me and find out when I publish more sex confessions as a young woman mainly used & shared by old men and displayed in the nude as art decoration.