The Summer Camp From Hell: Training Young Women as Sex Slaves & Young Men as Mercenaries

training young women as sex slaves with torture and death

Dark Erotica

The Summer Camp From HELL

Training Young Women as Sex Slaves & Young Men as Mercenaries

With the flagrant lack of morals and ethics in the business and political worlds these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if such billionaire-owned islands and training camps actually existed. But here, it’s a fictional dark erotica series that will lead to a female vigilante series. Eventually, some billionaires will pay for abusing people and the planet. Fasten your seat belt!

WARNING: Abuse, violence & torture. All characters are 18+ years of age. Adult readers ONLY.

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training young women as sex slaves with torture and death book 1

Training Young Women as Nude Sex Pets & Young Men as Mercenaries

Book 1 of The Summer Camp From Hell

Includes violence but no incest. Not for the faint of heart.

13 young women & 13 young men think they are going to a typical summer camp. They are in for a big surprise!

Atypical Table of Contents:

  1. A Bus Load of Fresh Meat
  2. What The Master Says, Goes
  3. Chained, Hung, Stripped & Whipped – The Price of Disobedience
  4. A Man With No Balls Does Not Need Balls
  5. Young Women Should Always Be Nude & On All Fours
  6. Young Men Learn How To Dominate & Choke Their New Female Pets
  7. Nude Female Pets Sleep on Dog Mats at the Feet of Their Male Owners
  8. An Outdoor Litter Box for Nude Female Sex Pets

“As the men reacted to the display before them, their expressions varied from lecherous grins to barely concealed disgust. But beneath it all, there was an undeniable current of raw desire that coursed through each of them. The young women’s vulnerability and the power they held over them were intoxicating, igniting a primal hunger in even the most conflicted among them.”

“The guard stared at the young man for a moment, his gaze cold and unreadable. ‘If you succeed, you get a job here or at Hell Island,’ he finally replied. ‘You get room and board until you turn 35. After that, you receive a big payment to return to civilization.’ But women never escape.”

Book 1 available on:  Ream

training young women as sex slaves with torture and death book 2

Breaking Young Women Into Obedient, Silent, Nude Sex Playthings on All Fours

Book 2 of The Summer Camp From Hell

Includes violence but no incest. Not for the faint of heart.

There are severe consequences for disobedience. For young women, the only way to survive is to accept their natural role as nude sex pets on all fours. For young men, the only way to not be castrated is by manhandling the training of the female sex slaves.

Abused Table of Contents:

  1. Be a Good Little Cocksucker or I’ll Whip You to Death
  2. Disobedient Young Women Must Be Whipped to Death
  3. Young Women Are Fed in Cat Bowls & Their Bodies Are Pieces of Decorative Furniture
  4. Female Bodies Must Be Recycled When They Get Older
  5. A Disobeying Young Woman Is Given the Choice of How She Will Be Tortured to Death
  6. An Old Man Fondles a Young Woman’s Boobs, Wondering if He Should Cook Them and Taste Them
  7. The Camp Master Needs a Young Woman to be Boiled So He Can Eat Young Boobs

“I was used on Hell Island for seven years. When I turned 25, they sent me back here as a servant. Some others remain on the island, but at 25, we all stop being sex toys and start working in laundry, cooking, cleaning…”

“As she sucked on Mr. Master’s old cock, her tears continued to flow in a mixture of fear and disgust. She knew that her life was over, and this was the only way she could hope for a quick death from the sadistic man who held her fate in his hands.”

Book 2 available on:  Ream

training young women as sex slaves with torture and death book 3

A Recipe for Training Dehumanized Young Women as Sex Slaves

Book 3 of The Summer Camp From Hell

Includes violence but no incest. Not for the faint of heart.

Young women have to either pass a final test as sex slaves or be tortured to death. Young men must keep the female sex slaves in line or be castrated. A sadistic billionaire needs female sex slaves and male mercenaries on his private island, offering a depraved sex playground for other billionaires.

Revolting Table of Contents:

  1. Selecting 2 Young Female To Torture To Death
  2. Boiling a Young Woman and Serving Her Cooked Boobs to Master


“With a heavy heart, the young woman spoke up, her voice barely more than a whisper. ‘I cannot pick an innocent woman to be punished and cooked. I would rather you punish me, cook me, and eat my young breasts yourself.'”

“Caleb stared at the guillotine, its cold metal gleaming in the dim light of the room. He knew that his balls and cock hung in the balance, his fate tied to Breslyn’s horrific choice. As much as he hated himself for it, he prayed – not just for his own safety but also for the strength Breslyn would need to make such a cruel decision.”

Book 3 available on:  Ream – SOON!

…to stay in touch with little ol’ me and find out when I publish more private sex diaries about my young, nude female flesh!

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