14-Day Sexy Game Challenge for Kinky Couples
A Truth-Revealing Exercise to Increase Sexual Fun, Passion & Intimacy in Your Couple
Spice Up Your Sex Life & Rekindle Your Relationship!
Are you looking for something to spice up your sex life or rekindle your relationship with a partner who seems to be drifting away?
Plan 14 days neither of you will forget! 10 kinky questions over 10 days, plus 4 other activity days. Dare to tell the truth! Answers are shared with your partner afterward with a climaxing scenario-based evening.
These naughty questions are designed to open up discussions and increase intimacy in your couple by breaking down taboo barriers – at least verbally, at first.
For the challenge to work, both of you need the workbook. There is one for women and one for men. Get both! The questions and instructions are not the same.

Spiral (coil) bound is more practical but a bit more expensive.

Spiral (coil) bound is more practical but a bit more expensive.
Overall, in these 14 days, there is more time for reflection and discussions than purely having sex. However, the time spent on thinking and talking will have a direct impact on the sex afterward.
This sexy game for kinky couples is a fun and thoughtful Anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas gift. The one-week truth-revealing exercise is also a titillating thing to do on your annual vacation.
Doing this kinky sex exercise together is an awesome way of proving to each other that you are invested in having an exciting sex life as well as an intimate, long-lasting relationship.
On top of that, as a bonus, this 14-day kinky challenge isn’t just about improving your sex life; it’s about strengthening your bond as a couple and learning to enjoy each other on a deeper level. By being open and honest about your desires and fantasies, you’re creating a solid foundation for a lasting, passionate relationship.
Please note: This diary is designed for straight couples of all ages — adults only. The questions are scorching and spicy.

Spiral (coil) bound is more practical but a bit more expensive.

Spiral (coil) bound is more practical but a bit more expensive.
More Sex Help for Men & Women!
While we’re on the topic of improving your sex life… Grab your ‘Sex Logbook & Journal.’
Unlike the 14-Day Challenge that requires both of you to do it at the same time, you can use and benefit from your sex logbook & journal on your own.
Sex Training Program & Handbooks for Girls (18+) & Young Women
Reach for the Stars & Maximize the Value of Your Young Female Flesh with This Comprehensive Training Program
About continuously improving your sex life… Have a look at my handbooks & training program to become a true Sex Goddess!
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